lundi 15 septembre 2008

Here where all songs collide...

What you are going to find on this blog:

Artists that I find interesting and I mean by that talented (following my tastes, doesn't have to be everyone else's, I know that) and who don't have the media coverage they deserve here in France in my taste (the french articles). You'll find (and it concerns you more, you english speaking people) articles regarding french artists that are worth knowing. There'll be infos on the artists, maybe videos, sounds and even translations of the lyrics if need be.

All that is to really create a link between the french musical universe and the 'outside'. I want a real exchange to happen between you and me. And I hope you'll be interested by the idea. Everybody discovers artists that are worth listening to by chance (especially since the Internet). So let's share it with the rest of the world...

It's on that purpose that I've created this blog.

The idea for this blog came to me when I heard for the first time Jason Mraz on the french radio just a few days ago. I'm sure those of you who are in North America are at least a bit familiar with this guy. Which is definitely not the case in France. Thus, my surprise when "I'm Yours" started playing.

I had discover accidentally Jason Mraz 3 years ago while surfing the Internet and I always wondered how noone in the french music industry ever thought that he would make a great success in our country and, by that, enable us to listen to his good music (again, my opinion but... you get the point lol). That when I thought it would be nice to have some kind of virtual place where everybody can come and share their discoveries while kind of breaking the barriers that the difference of language can create in this situation.

I hope you're following my reasoning. And welcome on this blog.